Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let's talk about pregnancy

Today has been a strange day. A circle of life day. My bestie lost another family member. Her husband and her just buried his mother in March and now they lost his mother's husband. It's sad but its better. Then my friend Jenn, I will refer to her as bad ass lol had a beautiful baby girl. She had her without any interventions. No epidural, no drugs, nothing! I know that is what she really wanted so I am happy for her. Which brings me to our topic of choice. Pregnancy. Why is it when someone discloses they are pregnant do some people feel the need to rain on their parade with negativity? I guess this can be the case for anything not just pregnancy but it really bothers me. Instead of saying, congrats that's great. Some people automatically go to well what are you going to do with this? Or do you really think you can do that? Instead of putting negative thoughts into peoples heads support them. It will be a whole heck of lot easier to meet set goals if there is support! Moms have a hard enough time with other judgmental competitive moms why can't we all just support each other? Who cares if someone wants to try and have a baby without interventions. Who cares if a mom wants to breast feed her kid until they are 3. Who cares...just be supportive.